Role of Winter Soil Moisture in Subsequent Summer Thermal Anomalies on the Tibetan Plateau
["Lin, Zouxing","Zuo, Zhiyan","Wang, Huan","You, Qinglong","Xiao, Dong","Zhang, Kaiwen","Qiao, Liang"]
The Tibetan Plateau (TP) exerts strong powerful thermal forcing, which plays a vital role in influencing weather-climate variations in Asia and even the Northern Hemisphere. However, the causes of thermal variation over the TP have not been fully revealed. Here, the role of winter soil moisture (SM) in subsequent summer thermal anomalies on the TP was investigated through multisource datasets for the period 1979-2014. Results indicate a significant positive rela-tionship (r 5 0.52) between winter SM and subsequent summer-mean surface air temperature (SAT). Further investigations show that more (less) winter SM results in abundant (deficient) atmospheric water vapor in subsequent summer owing to its persistence. Furthermore, Earth's surface energy budget equation confirms that strengthened (weakened) surface downward longwave radiation caused by increased (decreased) water vapor is the dominant factor leading to SAT variations, even more significant for nocturnal SAT. The winter SM-atmospheric temperature positive relationship can extend from the sur-face to 200 hPa over the TP. In addition, the enhanced (weakened) atmospheric latent heat release associated with increased (decreased) water vapor content may be another important factor contributing to changes in atmospheric temperatures over the TP. Therefore, our results contribute to a better understanding of the effect of land-surface processes on thermal anoma-lies over the TP. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Understanding the causes of thermal anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is crucial for weather and climate variations, but the role of winter soil moisture (SM) in subsequent summer ther-mal effects is largely unknown. This study investigated the relationship between winter SM and thermal anomalies in subsequent summers on the TP. Results show that the above (below)-normal winter SM will cause warm (cold) atmospheric temperatures in the subsequent summer. The above (below)-normal winter SM anomalies bring increased (decreased) atmospheric water vapor in summer owing to its persistence, resulting in strengthened (weakened) down-ward longwave radiation and atmospheric latent heat release to heat (cool) the atmosphere.