Vegetation and soil covariation, not grazing exclusion, control soil organic carbon and nitrogen in density fractions of alpine meadows in a Tibetan permafrost region

Grassland Organic carbon Soil properties Ecology Tibet
["Yuan, Zi-Qiang","Jiang, Xiao-Jin"] 2021-01-01 期刊论文
The accrual of soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) in grassland is an important management option to improve the ecosystem functions of grassland. However, how abiotic (such as grazing exclusion (GE)) and biotic factors influence SOC and N and their different fractions in Tibetan alpine meadows remains unclear. In this study, we evaluated the relative importance of abiotic and biotic factors that drive SOC and N contents in soil density fractions by performing redundancy analysis based on three long-term (10 years) fenced alpine meadows maintained in the permafrost region of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Biotic factors comprise plant aboveground biomass, cover and diversity, whereas abiotic factors include soil properties (i.e. soil moisture, pH, clay, silt, sand, total phosphorus, available phosphorus, microbial biomass carbon and N, available N, C:N ratio and C:P ratio) and GE. Site rather than GE has significant effects on the SOC and N contents. GE caused no increase in the SOC and N contents in the whole soil and fractions. Redundancy analysis showed that 96.7% of the variations in SOC and N fractions can be explained by the selected explanatory variables. Aboveground biomass, cover, soil moisture and clay contents were key factors that affected the SOC and N fractions. The SOC and N fractions were mainly explained by the interaction between vegetation and soil, followed by soil, vegetation and GE. The study highlighted the importance of considering the covariation of vegetation and soil for evaluating the SOC and N dynamics in alpine meadows. The effect of GE (such as 10 years) on the SOC and N contents in alpine meadows can be weak in the permafrost region of the Tibetan Plateau.