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Air pollution is a global health issue, and events like forest fires, agricultural burning, dust storms, and fireworks can significantly worsen it. Festivals involving fireworks and wood-log fires, such as Diwali and Holi, are key examples of events that impact local air quality. During Holi, the ritual of Holika involves burning of biomass that releases large amounts of aerosols and other pollutants. To assess the impact of Holika burning, observations were conducted from March 5th to March 18th, 2017. On March 12th, 2017, around 1.8 million kg of wood and biomass were openly burned in about 2250 units of Holika, located in and around the Varanasi city (25.23 N, 82.97 E, similar to 82.20 m amsl). As the Holika burning event began the impact on the Black Carbon (BC), particulate matter 10 & 2.5 (PM10 and PM2.5), sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), ozone (O-3) and carbon monoxide (CO) concentration were observed. Thorough optical investigations have been conducted to better comprehend the radiative effects of aerosols produced due to Holika burning on the environment. The measured AOD at 500 nm values were 0.315 +/- 0.072, 0.392, and 0.329 +/- 0.037, while the BC mass was 7.09 +/- 1.78, 9.95, and 7.18 +/- 0.27 mu g/m(3) for the pre-Holika, Holika, and post-Holika periods. Aerosol radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere (ARF-TOA), at the surface (ARF-SUR), and in the atmosphere (ARF-ATM) are 2.46 +/- 4.15, -40.22 +/- 2.35, and 42.68 +/- 4.12 W/m(2) for pre-Holika, 6.34, -53.45, and 59.80 W/m(2) for Holika, and 5.50 +/- 0.97, -47.11 +/- 5.20, and 52.61 +/- 6.17 W/m(2) for post-Holika burning. These intense observation and analysis revealed that Holika burning adversely impacts AQI, BC concentration and effects climate in terms of ARF and heating rate.

2025-06-01 Web of Science

Carbonaceous aerosol, including organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), has significant influence on human health, air quality and climate change. Accurate measurement of carbonaceous aerosol is essential to reduce the uncertainty of radiative forcing estimation and source apportionment. The accurate separation of OC and EC is controversial due to the charring of OC. Therefore, the development of reference materials (RM) for the validation of OC/EC separation is an important basis for further study. Previous RMs were mainly based on ambient air sampling, which could not provide traceability of OC and EC concentration. To develop traceable RMs with known OC/EC contents, our study applied an improved aerosol generation and mixing technique, providing uniform deposition of particles on quartz filters. To generate OC aerosol with similar pyrolytic property of ambient aerosol, both water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and water insoluble organic carbon (WIOC) were used, and amorphous carbon was selected for EC surrogate. The RMs were analyzed using different protocols. The homogeneity within the filter was validated, reaching below 2%. The long -term stability of RMs has been validated with RSD ranged from 1.7%-3.2%. Good correlation was observed between nominal concentration of RMs with measured concentration by two protocols, while the difference of EC concentration was within 20%. The results indicated that the newly developed RMs were acceptable for the calibration of OC and EC, which could improve the accuracy of carbonaceous aerosol measurement. Moreover, the laboratory-generated EC-RMs could be suitable for the calibration of equivalent BC concentration by Aethalometers. (c) 2024 The Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ )

2025-03-01 Web of Science

Refractory black carbon (rBC) is a primary aerosol species, produced through incomplete combustion, that absorbs sunlight and contributes to positive radiative forcing. The overall climate effect of rBC depends on its spatial distribution and atmospheric lifetime, both of which are impacted by the efficiency with which rBC is transported or removed by convective systems. These processes are poorly constrained by observations. It is especially interesting to investigate rBC transport efficiency through the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) since this meteorological pattern delivers vast quantities of boundary layer air from Asia, where rBC emissions are high to the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS) where the lifetime of rBC is expected to be long. Here, we present in situ observations of rBC made during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemistry and Climate Impact Project of summer, 2022. We use observed relationships between rBC and CO in ASM outflow to show that rBC is removed nearly completely (>98%) from uplifted air and that rBC concentrations in ASM outflow are statistically indistinguishable from the UT/LS background. We compare observed rBC and CO concentrations to those expected based on two chemical transport models and find that the models reproduce CO to within a factor of 2 at all altitudes whereas rBC is overpredicted by a factor of 20-100 at altitudes associated with ASM outflow. We find that the rBC particles in recently convected air have thinner coatings than those found in the UTLS background, suggesting transport of a small number of rBC particles that are negligible for concentration.

2025-02-16 Web of Science

Precipitation comes in various phases, including rainfall, snowfall, sleet, and hail. Shifts of precipitation phases, as well as changes in precipitation amount, intensity, and frequency, have significant impacts on regional climate, hydrology, ecology, and the energy balance of the land-atmosphere system. Over the past century, certain progress has been achieved in aspects such as the observation, discrimination, transformation, and impact of precipitation phases. Mainly including: since the 1980s, studies on the observation, formation mechanism, and prediction of precipitation phases have gradually received greater attention and reached a certain scale. The estimation of different precipitation phases using new detection theories and methods has become a research focus. A variety of discrimination methods or schemes, such as the potential thickness threshold method of the air layer, the temperature threshold method of the characteristic layer, and the near-surface air temperature threshold method, have emerged one after another. Meanwhile, comparative studies on the discrimination accuracy and applicability assessment of multiple methods or schemes have also been carried out simultaneously. In recent years, the shift of precipitation from solid to liquid (SPSL) in the mid-to-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere has become more pronounced due to global warming and human activities. It leads to an increase in rain-on-snow (ROS) events and avalanche disasters, affecting the speed, intensity, and duration of spring snow-melting, accelerating sea ice and glacier melting, releasing carbon from permafrost, altering soil moisture, productivity, and phenological characteristics of ecosystems, and thereby affecting their structures, processes, qualities, and service functions. Although some progress has been made in the study of precipitation phases, there remains considerable research potential in terms of completeness of basic data, reliability of discrimination schemes, and the mechanistic understanding of the interaction between SPSL and other elements or systems. The study on shifts of precipitation phases and their impacts will play an increasingly important role in assessing the impacts of global climate change, water cycle processes, water resources management, snow and ice processes, snow and ice-related disasters, carbon emissions from permafrost, and ecosystem safety.

2025-02-01 Web of Science

In this study, we used satellite observations to identify 10 typical dust-loading events over the Indian Himalayas. Next, the aerosol microphysical and optical properties during these identified dust storms are characterized using cotemporal in situ measurements over Mukteshwar, a representative site in Indian Himalayas. Relative to the background values, the mass of coarse particles (size range between 2.5 and 10 mu m) and the extinction coefficient were found to be enhanced by 400% (from 24 +/- 15 to 98 +/- 40 mu g/m3) and 175% (from 89 +/- 57 Mm-1 to 156 +/- 79 Mm-1), respectively, during these premonsoonal dust-loading events. Moreover, based on the air mass trajectory, these dust storms can be categorized into two categories: (a) mineral dust events (MDEs), which involve long-range transported dust plumes traversing through the lower troposphere to reach the Himalayas and (b) polluted dust events (PDEs), which involve short-range transported dust plumes originating from the arid western regions of the Indian subcontinent and traveling within the heavily polluted boundary layer of the Gangetic plains before reaching the Himalayas. Interestingly, compared to the background, the SSA and AAE decrease during PDEs but increase during MDEs. More importantly, we observe a twofold increase in black carbon concentrations and the aerosol absorption coefficient (relative to the background values) during the PDEs with negligible changes during MDEs. Consequently, the aerosol-induced snow albedo reduction (SAR) also doubles during MDEs and PDEs relative to background conditions. Thus, our findings provide robust observational evidence of substantial dust-induced snow and glacier melting over the Himalayas.

2025-01-28 Web of Science

Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) as light-absorbing particles (LAPs) deposited to snow cover can result in early onset and rapid snow melting, challenging management of downstream water resources. We identified LAPs in 38 snow samples (water years 2013-2016) from the mountainous Upper Colorado River basin by comparing among laboratory-measured spectral reflectance, chemical, physical, and magnetic properties. Dust sample reflectance, averaged over the wavelength range of 0.35-2.50 mu m, varied by a factor of 1.9 (range, 0.2300-0.4444) and was suppressed mainly by three components: (a) carbonaceous matter measured as total organic carbon (1.6-22.5 wt. %) including inferred black carbon, natural organic matter, and carbon-based synthetic, black road-tire-wear particles, (b) dark rock and mineral particles, indicated by amounts of magnetite (0.11-0.37 wt. %) as their proxy, and (c) ferric oxide minerals identified by reflectance spectroscopy and magnetic properties. Fundamental compositional differences were associated with different iron oxide groups defined by dominant hematite, goethite, or magnetite. These differences in iron oxide mineralogy are attributed to temporally varying source-area contributions implying strong interannual changes in regional source behavior, dust-storm frequency, and (or) transport tracks. Observations of dust-storm activity in the western U.S. and particle-size averages for all samples (median, 25 mu m) indicated that regional dust from deserts dominated mineral-dust masses. Fugitive contaminants, nevertheless, contributed important amounts of LAPs from many types of anthropogenic sources.

2025-01-28 Web of Science

River-controlled permafrost dynamics are crucial for sediment transport, infrastructure stability, and carbon cycle, yet are not well understood under climate change. Leveraging remotely sensed datasets, in-situ hydrological observations, and physics-based models, we reveal overall warming and widening rivers across the Tibetan Plateau in recent decades, driving accelerated sub-river permafrost thaw. River temperature of a representative (Tuotuohe River) on the central Tibetan Plateau, has increased notably (0.39 degrees C/decade) from 1985 to 2017, facilitating heat transfer into the underlying permafrost via both convection and conduction. Consequently, the permafrost beneath rivers warms faster (0.37 degrees C-0.66 degrees C/decade) and has a similar to 0.5 m thicker active layer than non-inundated permafrost (0.17 degrees C-0.49 degrees C/decade). With increasing river discharge, the inundated area expands laterally along the riverbed (16.4 m/decade), further accelerating permafrost thaw for previously non-inundated bars. Under future warmer and wetter climate, the anticipated intensification of sub-river permafrost degradation will pose risks to riverine infrastructure and amplify permafrost carbon release.

2025-01-16 Web of Science

Iron (Fe) minerals possess a huge specific surface area and high adsorption affinity, usually considered as rust tanks of organic carbon (OC), playing an important role in global carbon storage. Microorganisms can change the chemical form of Fe by producing Fe-chelating agents such as side chains and form a stable complex with Fe(III), which makes it easier for microorganisms to use. However, in seasonal frozen soil thawing, the succession of soil Fe-cycling microbial communities and their coupling relationship with Fe oxides and Fe-bound organic carbon (Fe-OC) remains unclear. We characterized changes in the Fe phase, Fe-OC, Fe-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB), and Fe-reducing bacteria (FeRB) in the subsoil and analyzed the microbial mechanism underlying Fe-OC changes in alpine grassland by constructing a composite structural equation model (SEM). We found that the Fe(III) content consistently exceeded that of Fe(II). Among the three types of Fe oxides, organically complex Fe (Fe-p) decreased from 2.54 to 2.30 gkg(-1), whereas the opposite trend was observed for poorly crystalline Fe (Fe-o). The Fe-OC content also decreased (from 10.31 to 9.47 gkg(-1); p < 0.05). Fe-cycling microorganisms were markedly affected by the thawing of frozen soil (except FeRB). Fe-p and Feo directly affected changes in Fe-OC. Soil moisture (SM) and FeOB were significant indirect factors affecting Fe-OC changes. Freeze-thaw changes in the subsoil of alpine grassland in Central Asia significantly affected FeOB and Fe oxides, thus affecting the Fe-OC content. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first study to examine the influence of Fe-cycling microorganisms on the Fe phase and Fe-OC in the soil of alpine grassland in Central Asia. Overall, our findings provide scientific clues for exploring the biogeochemical cycle process in future climate change.

2025-01-06 Web of Science

The stability of arctic permafrost and the carbon it contains are currently threatened by a rapidly warming climate. Burial Lake, situated in northwestern arctic Alaska, is underlain by continuous permafrost and has a uniquely rich set of paleoclimate proxy data that comprise a 40-ka record of climate and environmental change extending well into Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. Here, we examine the relationship between erosion, subsurface hydrology, and primary productivity from the Burial Lake sediments to improve our understanding of the links between climate, hydrology, sediment transport, and carbon mobility. The record is developed with radiocarbon (14C) age-offsets from two independent methods used to date the lake sediments: 1) 14 C measurements on paired bulk sediment and plant macrofossils from the same stratigraphic layer of lake sediment and 2) ramped pyrolysis- oxidation (RPO) 14 C analysis that separates fractions of organic carbon (OC) from a single bulk sediment sample based on thermochemical differences through continuous heating. As lakes capture and archive OC transported from the watershed, changes in the amount and relative age of permafrost-derived OC mobilized during past climatic variations can be documented by examining how age-offsets change over time. The Burial Lake sediment revealed higher age-offsets during the cold Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 29-17 ka) than the comparatively warmer post-glacial ( 17 ka-present) and the MIS 3 interstadial ( 40-29 ka) periods. The relatively warm, wet climate of the post-glacial period promoted both terrestrial and aquatic productivity, resulting in increased OC deposition, and it likely favored transport via subsurface flow of dissolved OC (DOC) sourced from soils. This resulted in a greater flux of contemporary OC relative to ancient OC into the lake sediment, lowering the average age offset to 2 ka. In contrast, the low-productivity conditions of the LGM resulted in slow soil accumulation rates, leaving ancient OC in a shallower position in the soil profile and allowing it to be easily eroded in the form of particulate OC (POC). Although the amount of total OC deposited in the lakebed during the LGM is small relative to post-glacial deposition, the majority is ancient, which leads to a relatively high average age offset of 9 ka. Finally, climate and environmental conditions of the MIS 3 interstadial were intermediate between those of the post-glacial and the LGM. As with post-glacial sediments, a relatively large amount of OC is present; however, the vast majority of it is ancient (more similar to the LGM), and it produces an average age offset of 6 ka. The Burial Lake radiocarbon record demonstrates the complexities of the thaw and mobilization of permafrost OC in arctic Alaska, including the balance between production, transport, deposition, remobilization, and preservation. This record highlights the importance of considering factors that both enhance and inhibit erosion (i.e. vegetation cover, lake level, precipitation) and the mechanisms of OC transport (i.e. subsurface flow or erosion) in predictions of future permafrost response to changes in climate.

2025-01-01 Web of Science

Alpine grassland ecosystems play a crucial role in the global carbon (C) balance by contributing to the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool; thus, quantifying SOC stocks in these ecosystems is essential for understanding potential gains or losses in soil C under the threat of climate change and anthropogenic activities. Remote sensing plays a vital role in estimating SOC stocks; however, identifying reliable remote sensing proxies to enhance SOC prediction remains a challenge. Information on soil C cycling proxies can reveal how the balance between C inputs and outputs affects SOC. Therefore, these proxies could be effective indicators of SOC variations. In this study, we explored the potential of satellite-derived attributes related to soil C cycling proxies for predicting SOC stocks. We derived remote sensing indices such as gross primary production, soil respiration, soil moisture, land surface temperature, radiation, and soil disturbance and assessed the relationships between these indices and SOC stocks via partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). We evaluated the effectiveness of these indices in predicting SOC stocks, we compared PLS-SEM and quantile regression forest (QRF) models across different variable combinations, including static, intra-annual, and inter-annual information. The PLS-SEM results demonstrated the suitability of the derived remote sensing indices and their interactions in reflecting processes related to soil C balance. The QRF models, using these indices, achieved promising prediction accuracies, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.54 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.79 kg m-2 at the topmost 10 cm of soil. However, the prediction performance generally decreased with increasing soil depth, up to 30 cm. The results also revealed that adding intra- and inter-annual information to remotely sensed proxies did not increase the prediction accuracy. Our study revealed that gross primary production, soil respiration, soil moisture, land surface temperature, radiation, and soil disturbance are effective proxies for representing factors influencing soil C balance and mapping SOC stocks in alpine grasslands.

2025-01-01 Web of Science
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