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Alpine meadows are vital ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, significantly contributing to water conservation and climate regulation. This study examines the energy flux patterns and their driving factors in the alpine meadows of the Qilian Mountains, focusing on how the meteorological variables of net radiation (Rn), air temperature, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), wind speed (U), and soil water content (SWC) influence sensible heat flux (H) and latent heat flux (LE). Using the Bowen ratio energy balance method, we monitored energy changes during the growing and non-growing seasons from 2022 to 2023. The annual average daily Rn was 85.29 W m-2, with H, LE, and G accounting for 0.56, 0.71, and -0.32 of Rn, respectively. Results show that Rn is the main driver of both H and LE, highlighting its crucial role in turbulent flux variations. Additionally, a negative correlation was found between air temperature and H, suggesting that high temperatures may suppress H. A significant positive correlation was observed between soil moisture and LE, further indicating that moist soil conditions enhance LE. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the impact of climate change on energy distribution in alpine meadows and calls for further research on the ecosystem's dynamic responses to changing climate conditions.

期刊论文 2025-01-01 DOI: 10.3390/plants14020155 ISSN: 2223-7747

Environmental changes, such as climate warming and higher herbivory pressure, are altering the carbon balance of Arctic ecosystems; yet, how these drivers modify the carbon balance among different habitats remains uncertain. This hampers our ability to predict changes in the carbon sink strength of tundra ecosystems. We investigated how spring goose grubbing and summer warming-two key environmental-change drivers in the Arctic-alter CO2 fluxes in three tundra habitats varying in soil moisture and plant-community composition. In a full-factorial experiment in high-Arctic Svalbard, we simulated grubbing and warming over two years and determined summer net ecosystem exchange (NEE) alongside its components: gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (ER). After two years, we found net CO2 uptake to be suppressed by both drivers depending on habitat. CO2 uptake was reduced by warming in mesic habitats, by warming and grubbing in moist habitats, and by grubbing in wet habitats. In mesic habitats, warming stimulated ER (+75%) more than GEP (+30%), leading to a 7.5-fold increase in their CO2 source strength. In moist habitats, grubbing decreased GEP and ER by similar to 55%, while warming increased them by similar to 35%, with no changes in summer-long NEE. Nevertheless, grubbing offset peak summer CO2 uptake and warming led to a twofold increase in late summer CO2 source strength. In wet habitats, grubbing reduced GEP (-40%) more than ER (-30%), weakening their CO2 sink strength by 70%. One-year CO2-flux responses were similar to two-year responses, and the effect of simulated grubbing was consistent with that of natural grubbing. CO2-flux rates were positively related to aboveground net primary productivity and temperature. Net ecosystem CO2 uptake started occurring above similar to 70% soil moisture content, primarily due to a decline in ER. Herein, we reveal that key environmental-change drivers-goose grubbing by decreasing GEP more than ER and warming by enhancing ER more than GEP-consistently suppress net tundra CO2 uptake, although their relative strength differs among habitats. By identifying how and where grubbing and higher temperatures alter CO2 fluxes across the heterogeneous Arctic landscape, our results have implications for predicting the tundra carbon balance under increasing numbers of geese in a warmer Arctic.

期刊论文 2025-01-01 DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4498 ISSN: 0012-9658

Snow is an important factor controlling vegetation functions in high latitudes/altitudes. However, due to the lack of reliable in -situ measurements, the effects of snow on vegetation phenology remains poorly understood. Here, we examine the effects of snow cover duration (SCD) on the start of growing season (SOS) for different vegetation types. SOS and SCD were extracted from in -situ carbon flux and albedo data, respectively, at 51 eddy covariance flux sites in the northern mid -high latitudes. The effects of SCD on SOS vary substantially among different vegetation types. For grassland, preseason SCD outperforms other factors controlling grassland SOS. However, for forests and cropland, the preseason air temperature is the dominant factor in controlling SOS. Preseason SCD mainly influences the SOS by regulating preseason air and soil temperature rather than soil moisture. The CMIP6 Earth system models (ESMs) fail to capture the effect of SCD on SOS. Thus, Random Forest (RF) models were established to predict future SOS changing trends considering the effect of SCD. For grassland and evergreen needleleaf forest, the projected SOS advance rate is slower when SCD is considered. These findings can help us better understand impacts of snow on vegetation phenology and carbon -climate feedbacks in the warming world.

期刊论文 2024-08-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110130 ISSN: 0168-1923

In order to foresee the impact of permafrost thaw on CO2 emissions by high-latitude rivers, in-situ measurements across a permafrost and climate/vegetation gradient, coupled with assessment of possible physico-chemical and landscape controlling factors are necessary. Here we chose 34 catchments of variable stream order (1 to 9) and watershed size (1 to >10(5) km(2)) located across a permafrost and biome gradient in the Western Siberian Lowland (WSL), from the permafrost-free southern taiga to the continuous permafrost zone of tundra. Across the southnorth transect, maximal CO2 emissions (2.2 +/- 1.1 g C-CO2 m(-2) d(-1)) occurred from rivers of the discontinuous/sporadic permafrost zone, i.e., geographical permafrost thawing boundary. In this transitional zone, fluvial C emission to downstream export ratio was as high as 8.0, which greatly (x 10) exceeded the ratio in the permafrost free and continuous permafrost zones. Such a high evasion at the permafrost thawing front can stem from an optimal combination of multiple environmental factors: maximal active layer thickness, sizable C stock in soils, and mobilization of labile organic nutrients from dispersed peat ice that enhanced DOC and POC processing in the water column, likely due to priming effect. Via a substituting space for time approach, we foresee an increase in CO2 and CH4 fluvial evasion in the continuous and discontinuous permafrost zone, which is notably linked to the greening of tundra increases in biomass of the riparian vegetation, river water warming and thermokarst lake formation on the watershed.

期刊论文 2024-08-01 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173491 ISSN: 0048-9697

Ice-wedge polygon landscapes make up a substantial part of high-latitude permafrost landscapes. The hydrological conditions shape how these landscapes store and release organic carbon. However, their coupled water-carbon dynamics are poorly understood as field measurements are sparse in smaller catchments and coupled hydrology-dissolved organic carbon (DOC) models are not tailored for these landscapes. Here we present a model that simulates the hydrology and associated DOC export of high-centered and low-centered ice-wedge polygons and apply the model to a small catchment with abundant polygon coverage along the Yukon Coast, Canada. The modeled seasonal pattern of water and carbon fluxes aligns with sparse field data. These modeled seasonal patterns indicate that early-season runoff is mostly surficial and generated by low-centered polygons and snow trapped in troughs of high-centered polygons. High-centered polygons show potential for deeper subsurface flow under future climate conditions. This suggests that high-centered polygons will be responsible for an increasing proportion of annual DOC export compared to low-centered polygons. Warming likely shifts low-centered polygons to high-centered polygons, and our model shows that this shift will cause a deepening of the active layer and a lengthening of the thawing season. This, in turn, intensifies seasonal runoff and DOC flux, mainly through its duration. Our model provides a physical hypothesis that can be used to further quantify and refine our understanding of hydrology and DOC export of arctic ice-wedge polygon terrain.

期刊论文 2024-04-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170931 ISSN: 0048-9697

Climate change has regulated cryosphere-fed rivers and altered interannual and seasonal sediment dynamics, with significant implications for terrestrial material cycles and downstream aquatic ecosystems. However, there has been a notable scarcity of research focusing on the patterns of water-sediment transport within these permafrost zones. Integrating 6 years (2017-2022) of in-situ observational data from FengHuoShan basin with the partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method, we analyse the driving factors, characteristics and seasonal patterns of the water-sediment transport process. We observed a gradual increase in both suspended sediment flux (SSF, Mt/yr) and runoff (Q, km(3)/yr) within the basin, with annual growth rates of 1.34%/yr and 0.75%/yr, respectively. It is worth noting that these growth rates exhibit seasonal variations, with the highest values observed in spring (SSF: 1.76%/yr, Q: 1.71%/yr). This indicates that the response to climate change is more pronounced in spring compared with summer and autumn. Through mathematical statistics and the PLS-SEM model, we found that temperature plays a predominant role in the dynamics of water-sediment in both spring and autumn, whereas rainfall exerts a more significant impact during the summer. Most suspended sediment concentration (SSC, kg/m(3)) peak events throughout the year are primarily driven by rainfall. Affected by the freeze-thaw cycle of permafrost, SSC and discharge (Q, m(3)/s) exhibit distinct seasonality. SSC and Q demonstrate a clockwise trend; both Q and SSC begin to increase from May and peak in August before declining. The insights gleaned from this study hold significant implications for water resource management and soil conservation strategies in the region, particularly in the face of ongoing climatic changes characterized by warming and increased humidity.

期刊论文 2024-04-01 DOI: 10.1002/hyp.15138 ISSN: 0885-6087

Improved modeling of permafrost active layer freeze-thaw plays a crucial role in understanding the response of the Arctic ecosystem to the accelerating warming trend in the region over the past decades. However, modeling the dynamics of the active layer at diurnal time scale remains challenging using the traditional models of freeze-thaw processes. In this study, a physically based analytical model is formulated to simulate the thaw depth of the active layer under changing boundary conditions of soil heat flux. Conservation of energy for the active layer leads to a nonlinear integral equation of the thaw depth using a temperature profile approximated from the analytical solution of the heat transfer equation forced by ground heat flux. Temporally variable ground heat flux is estimated using non-gradient models when field observations are not available. Validation of the proposed model conducted against field data obtained from three Arctic forest and tundra sites demonstrates that the model is able to simulate both thaw depth and soil temperature profiles accurately. The model has the potential to estimate regional variability of the thaw depth for permafrost related applications. The seasonally thawed layer on top of the permafrost (active layer) is a key component of the Arctic system affected by the strong warming trend over the past decades. This soil layer experiences a pronounced seasonal cycle of freezing and thawing processes caused by the availability of Sun's energy. Mathematical modeling of the thaw depth of the active layer has remained challenging. This study formulates a novel model for the simulation of the diurnal cycle of thawing process. The formulation is developed using innovative models of heat flux that goes into the soil and soil temperature profile. Ground heat flux is derived from available energy at the land surface using a theory of surface heat flux partition. The soil temperature profile is expressed using ground heat flux within the active layer. The proposed model has been validated against field observations during thawing season. The model simulation and field observations of the thaw depth are in a good agreement at three Arctic study sites with forest and tundra surface conditions. The proposed formulation can be used for modeling freeze-thaw cycles of the active layer at the regional scales since data on surface available energy can be obtained from remote sensing observations. The proposed model is highly effective in modeling thawing depth at higher time resolution and representing the soil energy budget Non-gradient models demonstrate a strong capability to model soil energy budget in data-sparse harsh environments

期刊论文 2024-03-16 DOI: 10.1029/2023JD039453 ISSN: 2169-897X

Ground heat flux (G0) is a key component of the land-surface energy balance of high-latitude regions. Despite its crucial role in controlling permafrost degradation due to global warming, G0 is sparsely measured and not well represented in the outputs of global scale model simulation. In this study, an analytical heat transfer model is tested to reconstruct G0 across seasons using soil temperature series from field measurements, Global Climate Model, and climate reanalysis outputs. The probability density functions of ground heat flux and of model parameters are inferred using available G0 data (measured or modeled) for snow-free period as a reference. When observed G0 is not available, a numerical model is applied using estimates of surface heat flux (dependent on parameters) as the top boundary condition. These estimates (and thus the corresponding parameters) are verified by comparing the distributions of simulated and measured soil temperature at several depths. Aided by state-of-the-art uncertainty quantification methods, the developed G0 reconstruction approach provides novel means for assessing the probabilistic structure of the ground heat flux for regional permafrost change studies. Ground heat flux is the energy that goes into or comes out from belowground that controls the soil freeze-thaw process in high-latitude regions. Its changes under climate warming will influence variations in the soil's seasonal thawing depth and permafrost thickness and spatial extent. Available data on ground heat flux are very sparse from both direct field measurements and large-scale model outputs in the Arctic. This study combines detailed modeling and uncertainty quantification methods to accurately reconstruct the ground heat flux from shallow soil temperature observations and estimates from predictive models, which are more readily available for the Arctic. Since the approach relies on several assumptions, we also quantify the uncertainty of the estimated ground heat flux. The reconstructed ground heat fluxes using the method developed in this study match well with the fluxes observed or derived from the predictive model. The soil properties inferred from the developed process are also consistent with the values observed for typical soils. Ground heat flux is reconstructed from various types of shallow soil temperature and auxiliary data using an analytical heat transfer model Uncertainty quantification methods are applied to infer model parameters and increase simulation efficiency drastically The efficacy of the proposed ground heat flux reconstruction framework is shown by agreement between simulation and observation

期刊论文 2024-03-01 DOI: 10.1029/2023EA003435

Lumbini isa world heritage site located in the southern plains region of Nepal, and is regarded as a potential site for evaluating transboundary air pollution due to its proximity to the border with India. In this study, 82 aerosol samples were collected between April 2013 and July 2014 to investigate the levels of particulate-bound mercury (PBM) and the corresponding seasonality, sources, and influencing factors. The PBM concentration in total suspended particulate (TSP) matter ranged from 6.8 pg m-3 to 351.7 pg m-3 (mean of 99.7 +/- 92.6 pg m-3), which exceeded the ranges reported for remote and rural sites worldwide. The Hg content (PBM/TSP) ranged from 68.2 ng g-1 to 1744.8 ng g-1 (mean of 446.9 +/- 312.7 ng g-1), indicating anthropogenic enrichment. The PBM levels were higher in the dry season (i.e., winter and the pre-monsoon period) than in the wet season (i.e., the monsoon period). In addition, the d202Hg signature indicated that waste/coal burning and traffic were the major sources of Hg in Lumbini during the pre-monsoon period. Meanwhile, precipitation occurring during photochemical processes in the atmosphere may have been responsible for the observed D199Hg values in the aerosol samples obtained during the monsoon period. The PBM concentration was influenced mostly by the resuspension of polluted dust during dry periods and crop residue burning during the post-monsoon period. The estimated PBM deposition flux at Lumbini was 15.7 lg m-2 yr-1. This study provides a reference dataset of atmospheric PBM over a year, which can be useful for understanding the geochemical cycling of Hg in this region of limited data. (c) 2021 China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

期刊论文 2024-03-01 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2021.101274 ISSN: 1674-9871

Significant progress in permafrost carbon science made over the past decades include the identification of vast permafrost carbon stocks, the development of new pan-Arctic permafrost maps, an increase in terrestrial measurement sites for CO2 and methane fluxes, and important factors affecting carbon cycling, including vegetation changes, periods of soil freezing and thawing, wildfire, and other disturbance events. Process-based modeling studies now include key elements of permafrost carbon cycling and advances in statistical modeling and inverse modeling enhance understanding of permafrost region C budgets. By combining existing data syntheses and model outputs, the permafrost region is likely a wetland methane source and small terrestrial ecosystem CO2 sink with lower net CO2 uptake toward higher latitudes, excluding wildfire emissions. For 2002-2014, the strongest CO2 sink was located in western Canada (median: -52 g C m-2 y-1) and smallest sinks in Alaska, Canadian tundra, and Siberian tundra (medians: -5 to -9 g C m-2 y-1). Eurasian regions had the largest median wetland methane fluxes (16-18 g CH4 m-2 y-1). Quantifying the regional scale carbon balance remains challenging because of high spatial and temporal variability and relatively low density of observations. More accurate permafrost region carbon fluxes require: (a) the development of better maps characterizing wetlands and dynamics of vegetation and disturbances, including abrupt permafrost thaw; (b) the establishment of new year-round CO2 and methane flux sites in underrepresented areas; and (c) improved models that better represent important permafrost carbon cycle dynamics, including non-growing season emissions and disturbance effects. Climate change and the consequent thawing of permafrost threatens to transform the permafrost region from a carbon sink into a carbon source, posing a challenge to global climate goals. Numerous studies over the past decades have identified important factors affecting carbon cycling, including vegetation changes, periods of soil freezing and thawing, wildfire, and other disturbance events. Overall, studies show high wetland methane emissions and a small net carbon dioxide sink strength over the terrestrial permafrost region but results differ among modeling and upscaling approaches. Continued and coordinated efforts among field, modeling, and remote sensing communities are needed to integrate new knowledge from observations to modeling and predictions and finally to policy. Rapid warming of northern permafrost region threatens ecosystems, soil carbon stocks, and global climate targets Long-term observations show importance of disturbance and cold season periods but are unable to detect spatiotemporal trends in C flux Combined modeling and syntheses show the permafrost region is a small terrestrial CO2 sink with large spatial variability and net CH4 source

期刊论文 2024-03-01 DOI: 10.1029/2023JG007638 ISSN: 2169-8953
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