Influence of permafrost on water storage in West Siberian peatlands revealed from a new database of soil properties

peatland permafrost water soil moisture bulk density Braun-Blanquet system vegetation Sphagnum West Siberian Lowland soils database
["Smith, Laurence C","Beilman, David. W","Kremenetski, Konstantin V","Sheng, Yongwei","MacDonald, Glen M","Lammers, Richard B","Shiklomanov, Alexander I","Lapshina, Elena D"] 2012-01-01 期刊论文
Russia's West Siberian Lowland (WSL) contains the most extensive peatlands on Earth with many underlain by permafrost. We present a new database of 12 705 measurements of vertical water content and bulk soil properties from 98 permafrost and non-permafrost cores collected in raised bogs and peat plateaus across the region, together with in-situ measurements of surface moisture and thaw depth, botanical descriptions of dominant surface vegetation species assemblage, and field notes. Data analyses reveal significant contrasts (p?