A Fast Method to Measure TAN and TBN of Used Lubricant Oil Based on Portable Infrared Spectrometer

TAN and TBN which provide information about the degree of lubricating oil oxidation and the properties of alkali reserve is usually used in measurement of aging degree of lubricant, and its value can determine whether the amount of certain acid additives added is enough. It can avoid the problems such as, the abnormal wearing, corruption, deposit, filter blocking. The TAN and TBN of Lubricating oil is measured by the standard based on acid-base titration, in which potentiometric titration is used more. However it has to face the problems of complicated operation, expensive consuming material, and large quantity of sample oil, well trained operator and difficulty in handling reagent. Due to the oxidation of lubricating oil products and alkaline additives in the infrared spectrum has strong structural information, therefore, the TAN and TBN of lubricating oil can be monitored by infrared spectra. The quantification of TAN and TBN based on neutralization reaction was built up through the measurement of portable infrared spectroscopy. The reliable quantification of TAN and TBN can be archived by three procedures of lubricant type classification, building up lubricant library and multi-parameters regression. This method is supported by recent ASTM D7889 standard Compared with the other standard, this method has a high speed of analysis, and it can read out measurement result directly without any solvent. The accuracy of measurement is relatively high, operation is relatively simple, and improve the detection speed at a certain degree. The method can be used widely in industry field, including in laboratory offline measurement and in situ online measurement.



联 系 人:周老师




联 系 人:周老师




联 系 人:周老师




联 系 人:周老师

