2012 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

2012-09-13 会议

The 2012 US Frontiers of Engineering was held September 13-15, 2012, at the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Michigan.  About 100 outstanding engineers under the age of 45 met for an intensive 2-1/2 day symposium to discuss cutting-edge developments in four areas: Vehicle Electrification, Serious Games, Climate Engineering, and Engineering Materials for the Biological Interface. The goal of the Frontiers of Engineering program is to bring together engineers from all engineering disciplines and from industry, universities, and federal labs to facilitate cross-disciplinary exchange and promote the transfer of new techniques and approaches across fields in order to sustain and build U.S. innovative capacity. 

The National Academy of Engineering would like to express its gratitude to the meeting sponsors for their support of the 2012 USFOE Symposium.
Click on the links below to view the presentations:


Chair: Kristi Anseth, University of Colorado, Boulder 

Session co-chairs: David Sholl, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Armin Sorooshian, University of Arizona

Session co-chairs

Overview of Climate Engineering
Eli Kintisch, Science Magazine

Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere: Scientific, Technological, and Societal Challenges
Christopher Jones, Georgia Institute of Technology

Fighting Climate Change by Engineering Air Pollution to Brighten Clouds
Lynn Russell, Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Climate Engineering with Stratospheric Aerosols and Associated Engineering Parameters
Ben Kravitz, Carnegie Institution for Science

Session Co-chairs: Michael Degner, Ford Motor Company, and Sanjeev Naik, General Motors

Session co-chairs

Keeping up with the Increasing Demands for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Jeff Sakamoto, Michigan State University

Stronger, Lighter, and More Energy Efficient: Challenges of Magnetic Material Development for Vehicle Electrification
Matthew A. Willard, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory,

Preparing the Distribution Grid to Embrace PEVs
Arindam Maitra, Electric Power Research Institute

The Car and the Cloud: Remote Automative Electronic Controller Unit Diagnostics, Testing, and Reprogramming
Rahul Mangharam, AutoPlug and University of Pennsylvania

Session co-chairs: Li-Te Cheng, IBM, and Ben Sawyer, DigitalMill

Session co-chairs

Overview of Serious Games Space
Kurt Squire, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Moving Innovative Game Technology from the Lab to the Living Room
Richard Marks, Sony

How Serious Science is being Achieved with Serious Games
Zoran Popovic. University of Washington

Serious Games Beyond Training: From Process Optimization to Complex Problem Solving
Phaedra Boinodiris, IBM

Session co-chairs: Karen Burg, Clemson University, and Ali Khademhosseini, Harvard Medical School

Session co-chairs

Engineering Tissue-to-Tissue Interfaces and the Formation of Complex Tissues
Helen Lu, Columbia University

Identification and Modulation of Biophysical Signals that Control Stem Cell Function and Fate
David Schaffer, University of California-Berkeley

Engineering 3D Tissue Systems to Better Mimic Human Biology
Matthew Gevaert, Kiyatec