In water-based experiments exploring ultralow or super low friction, the implementation of a running-in period before reaching such states is necessary and important. However, the effect of the change in contact geometry has not been fully realized. In this paper, a series of running-in tests on a Si3N4 ball and a WC plate have been performed in glycerol–water mixtures with different concentrations. The shape of the wear scars and the chemical compositions of the worn surfaces were characterized in detail. A numerical EHD and mixed lubrication model was established to comprehensively analyze the effects of geometric profiles, surface roughness, and working/lubrication conditions on ultralow or super low sliding friction. The experiment and simulation results of the study have provided an in-depth understanding of the mechanism of super low friction of liquid lubricated sliding point contacts.
周老师: 13321314106
王老师: 17793132604