Ice surfaces are closely relevant to many physical and chemical properties, such as melting, freezing, friction, gas uptake and atmospheric reaction1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Despite extensive experimental and theoretical investigations9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, the exact atomic structures of ice interfaces remain elusive owing to the vulnerable hydrogen-bonding network and the complicated premelting process. Here we realize atomic-resolution imaging of the basal (0001) surface structure of hexagonal water ice (ice Ih) by using qPlus-based cryogenic atomic force microscopy with a carbon monoxide-functionalized tip. We find that the crystalline ice-Ih surface consists of mixed Ih- and cubic (Ic)-stacking nanodomains, forming \(\sqrt{19}\times \sqrt{19}\) periodic superstructures. Density functional theory reveals that this reconstructed surface is stabilized over the ideal ice surface mainly by minimizing the electrostatic repulsion between dangling OH bonds. Moreover, we observe that the ice surface gradually becomes disordered with increasing temperature (above 120 Kelvin), indicating the onset of the premelting process. The surface premelting occurs from the defective boundaries between the Ih and Ic domains and can be promoted by the formation of a planar local structure. These results put an end to the longstanding debate on ice surface structures and shed light on the molecular origin of ice premelting, which may lead to a paradigm shift in the understanding of ice physics and chemistry.
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