Featured Application Development of novel and green technologies to produce biochemicals, especially biodiesel and biolubricants from municipal sewage sludge. Abstract In this work, a detailed analysis of the lipid component in primary sludge and sewage scum up-taken from several wastewater treatment plants located in southern Italy was carried out. Lipids in the primary sludge accounted for 200–250 mg/g of the total solids (TS), with calcium soaps as a main component (70–82%), while total lipids made up about 350–500 mg/g TS in the sewage scum and consisted mainly of FFAs (45–60%) and calcium soaps (27–35%). In addition, estolides and 10-hydroxystearic acid were also quantified. A specific valorization process was then developed and tested for either primary sludge or sewage scum. In detail, lipids were first recovered, chemically activated by the addition of acids (calcium soaps were converted to free fatty acids) and finally reacted with methanol to obtain methyl esters. The lipid recovery from primary sludge and sewage scum was particularly efficient (recoverability of 92–99%). The conversion of the starting acids into FAMEs (yield > 98%) was achieved under very mild conditions (70 °C, 2 h) with AlCl 3·6H 2O as a catalyst. Biodiesel (according to EN14214), methyl 10-hydroxystearate and methyl estolides were efficiently isolated by distillation under vacuum. Finally, a feasibility study of the proposed processes was carried out to evaluate their possible integration into a wastewater treatment plant, critically analyzing both the positive aspects and the relative limitations. Keywords: biodiesel; FAMEs; estolides; 10-hydroxystearic acid methyl ester; biolubricants; biorefinery; circular economy; green chemistry
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